FREE Distance Learning for all of Arizona

FREE distance learning for Kindergarten through Community College available online for Arizona students.  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, GO TO:


Mindfulness for Students

Found this great video for quiet time for yourself or your students.  I am falling asleep trying to write this little blurb. It creates relaxation so quickly. Let your mind be in the here and now.  Don’t think about the past, can’t do anything about it.  Don’t think about the future, it will come when it’s time.  Think only about the NOW!  Please try it!  For more information on Mindfulness and helping students, educators and parents, go to Mindfulness in the Classroom~Sandy


International Wolf Center

The information below is being forwarded to you regarding the International Wolf Center and its ability to offer distance learning. The International Wolf Center is now offering virtual field trips, where we can live-stream directly into any classroom and do educational wolf programs. The International Wolf Center is a non-profit organization located in Ely, a northern Minnesota town. Our aim for every WolfLink virtual field trip program is to keep students engaged while also providing the opportunity for educators to meet state and national education standards.
These programs are very simple to set up. They really only require an internet connection to perform, and they are very cost-effective for teachers that have limited field-trip budgets. Our 2017 rate is $75 per program.
The website for the program is:
For more information, please call (218) 365-4695 x125, and email .

MENSA Visalia, Fresno, Madera

Dear Members and Prospective Members,

 For possibly the last time, we will once again gather at Panera Bread, 4103 S. Mooney Blvd. in Visalia, at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, for sandwiches, soup, salad and intelligent conversation.

 In May (or at least by June), we will launch our monthly speakers forum on the second Thursday of each month, beginning at 7 p.m. The event will be open to the public. Our plan includes meeting at 5:30 p.m. at a nearby location (perhaps the same location as the forum?) for our monthly fix of sandwiches, soup, salad and intelligent conversation before the event.

 If you have preferences regarding possible locations and/or suggestions for speakers, please contact me.

 Our northern neighbors, Fresno-Madera Mensans, present speakers at their monthly dinner meetings, which begin at 6 p.m. at Mimi’s Café, 7660 N. Blackstone Ave. in Fresno. On April 5, novelist Gary Walker will return to speak about his second novel, Vengeance Unbound. On May 3, Mensan Jim Lambe will talk about false confessions – why people confess to crimes they did not commit. For more information, contact Jan Drenth, Fresno-Madera Area Coordinator, at or (559) 435-1078.

In the meantime, we hope to see you at Panera Bread on Thursday, April 13.


Steve Pastis, Area Coordinator

Tulare-Kings Area of Sacramento Regional Mensa

(559) 280-9774