Create Household Rules

When students come from a home of few rules, it is tough for teachers to get them to follow the rules in a classroom.  Work as a team to create a great household and prepare students for functioning well in their educational system. ~Sandy

Kids behave best when they’re certain about the rules. However, many parents aren’t even sure exactly what the rules are in the house.

Their rules may vary slightly, depending on what type of mood they’re in or who is in the home at any given moment. Creating a clear list of household rules can reduce behavior problems and increase discipline consistency.

Reasons for Rules

Establishing a set of household rules helps kids understand which behaviors are acceptable, and which ones are off limits. Rules teach kids how to deal with their emotions and how to treat others with respect.

A list of household rules can also help kids understand how rules differ in different environments. For example, it may be acceptable to yell at the playground but that’s not OK in the library.Establishing written rules helps kids know what is okay in your home.

A written set of rules can also help ensure that all the caregivers are on the same page. Whether you hire a babysitter or Grandma comes over for a visit, everyone will know the kids are expected to put their dishes in the sink when it’s written on a list.

Rules can also be a reminder for adults who are trying to model positive behaviors for the kids. If the rule states that everyone must pick up their dishes, it is important for the adults to do so as well and a written set of rules can help reinforce this.

Written rules also give kids an opportunity to remind one another of the rules. A child might say to a friend who comes over for a play date, “At my house we’re not allowed to jump on the couch.” This is a sign of a parent who has been clear about the expectations.

Create a Written List of Rules

It is important that you write out the list of rules and hang them in a prominent location. Keeping the rules on the refrigerator or displayed somewhere where everyone can see them is a good reminder.

When creating the list of rules, don’t list every single rule imaginable. Make it a simple list, not a policy and procedures manual. Try to limit it to the 10 most important rules.

Word the rules positively. For example instead of saying, “Don’t throw your clothes on the floor,” try using, “Place your dirty clothes in the hamper.” Make a list of what “to do” instead of “what not to do” when possible.

Get the kids involved in making the rules. Ask their opinion about what sorts of things they think are important when creating the rules and try to include some of their ideas. It can help get kids more invested in following the rules.

Establish Consequences

It is important to discuss what sort of discipline strategies will be used to address the rules. There should be positive and negative consequences for kids that help them to follow the rules.

When kids follow the rules, there should be positive consequences. Praise kids when you catch them following a rule. Also, consider using rewards as an incentive. For example, if your child followed all the rules today, allow him to have all of his privileges.

When kids don’t follow the rules, there needs to be a negative consequence to discourage them from breaking the rule again. Negative consequences may include things such as loss of privileges or a time-out.

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