Give Yourself More Time To Teach
As this year draws to an end, start a new mind set for how you would like to begin the next year while information is fresh in your head.
Set up Rules and Routines:
Rules and routines keep your class running smoothly so that you have more time for teaching academics. Here are some ideas for establishing, using, and reinforcing rules and routines.
Rules: Rules are just like other instructional activities. They have to be taught, reviewed, and reinforced if they are to be remembered. As we start the year, the teaching of rules and routines is the first activity we should accomplish. Once this has been done, we can begin to teach and will teach more by the end of the year than if we had simply handed out books and started instruction.
Introduce each rule and discuss the variety of behaviors that the rule might include. Reinforce students who are following the rules. Thank them for their consideration. At the elementary level,reinforcement can be done aloud. Upper grade, middle, and high school students can be thanked quietly and privately.
Rules should be both written and taught to students at the beginning of the year. Guidelines for establishing rules are:
• Involve the class in making the rules.
• Keep the rules short and easy to understand.
• Phrase the rules in a positive way.
• Remind the class of the rules at times other than when someone has misbehaved.
• Make different rules for different kinds of activities.
• Key children in to when different rules apply.
• Post the rules and review them periodically.
• If a rule isn’t working, change it.
Routines: Routines refer to specific behaviors and activities that are taught in order to provide smooth,uninterrupted class operation. Routines, carefully taught, can save large amounts of time during the year. When students know exactly what is expected of them in a variety of situations, the time saved can be spent teaching rather than organizing or disciplining.
Develop, teach, and enforce a specific routine for these basic situations:
- Passing papers
- Leaving to go to the restroom
- Sharpening pencils
- Heading of papers
- Getting supplies and books
- Working in small groups
- Dismissing the class
- When assignments are complete
- Putting away materials
- Safety routines
- Taking attendance
- Administrative Procedures
- What are students to do while roll, lunch count, and
- housekeeping items are completed?
- What are the procedures for students who are tardy,
- have excuses, or leave early?
- What are the routines for hall and playground
- behaviors, e.g., lining up, walking in the halls,
- passing time, lockers, lunchroom, restrooms?
- What are the school or district procedures that must
- be followed?
Thank you so much for the reminder about the importance to Teach the Rules and Build the Routines. In the rat race to “cover the content” for CST’s I personally feel out of the habit of using the first few days of school to teach the rules and build the routines. This year I made rules and routines a priority and I was able to actually TEACH more material then I “covered” last year. Such a great year and the best comment of the year came from a sub about the effectiveness of my classroom routines and how the students were able to manage themselves.