CMC Central Symposium which was held on March 8-9, 2019 at UC Merced. Passion In Education gets great pleasure from supporting teachers’ learning. Thank you teachers, for your service in helping students become the strength of our nation. Never underestimate the power of your position.
Here are some learnings from attendees:
- If we want kids to write about math, we have to have kids talk about math (Fletcher)
- The rules we teach kids about math interfere with their intuition. (Fletcher)
- Shifting our thinking from “mistakes” to “first takes”.
- We are unintentionally dismissive when we don’t honor kids brainstormed ideas even if they are silly.
- We all know pair-share but don’t leverage the power of it. It supports equity for all.
- We want to be at least as helpful as we can possibly be to the point where kids don’t die (Kaplinsky)
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