All posts by Sandy Carl

About Sandy Carl

I am a life-long learner! I love to teach! I was honored with 28 years in the classroom as well as independent study experience. I worked Kindergarten through College courses. Mentoring and working with teachers was a wonderful part of my educational experience. Today, I manage a consulting business - Passion In Education. I'm excited to still have access to educators. We welcome you to our virtual world!

More Time to Teach!

Give Yourself More Time To Teach

As this year draws to an end, start a new mind set for how you would like to begin the next year while information is fresh in your head.

Set up Rules and Routines:

Rules and routines keep your class running smoothly so that you have more time for teaching academics. Here are some ideas for establishing, using, and reinforcing rules and routines.

Rules: Rules are just like other instructional activities. They have to be taught, reviewed, and reinforced if they are to be remembered. As we start the year, the teaching of rules and routines is the first activity we should accomplish. Once this has been done, we can begin to teach and will teach more by the end of the year than if we had simply handed out books and started instruction.

Introduce each rule and discuss the variety of behaviors that the rule might include. Reinforce students who are following the rules. Thank them for their consideration. At the elementary level,reinforcement can be done aloud. Upper grade, middle, and high school students can be thanked quietly and privately.

Rules should be both written and taught to students at the beginning of the year. Guidelines for establishing rules are:

• Involve the class in making the rules.

• Keep the rules short and easy to understand.

• Phrase the rules in a positive way.

• Remind the class of the rules at times other than when someone has misbehaved.

• Make different rules for different kinds of activities.

• Key children in to when different rules apply.

• Post the rules and review them periodically.

• If a rule isn’t working, change it.

Routines: Routines refer to specific behaviors and activities that are taught in order to provide smooth,uninterrupted class operation.  Routines, carefully taught, can save large amounts of time during the year. When students know exactly what is expected of them in a variety of situations, the time saved can be spent teaching rather than organizing or disciplining.

Develop, teach, and enforce a specific routine for these basic situations:

  • Passing papers
  • Leaving to go to the restroom
  • Sharpening pencils
  • Heading of papers
  • Getting supplies and books
  • Working in small groups
  • Dismissing the class
  • When assignments are complete
  • Putting away materials
  • Safety routines
  • Taking attendance
  • Administrative Procedures
  • What are students to do while roll, lunch count, and
  • housekeeping items are completed?
  • What are the procedures for students who are tardy,
  • have excuses, or leave early?
  • What are the routines for hall and playground
  • behaviors, e.g., lining up, walking in the halls,
  • passing time, lockers, lunchroom, restrooms?
  • What are the school or district procedures that must
  • be followed?
Adapted from National Education Association’s “I
Can Do It” Classroom Management training module,
developed by California Teachers Association.



Marzano Strategies for Implementing Best Online Teaching Practices

TBVA/PIE powered by Edgenuity is excited to share that we still love Marzano’s work and his input about online learning.  We share these views with Dr. Marzano.

Dr. Robert Marzano is a well-known educator that cofounded and is CEO of Marzano Research Laboratory (MRL).  As 21st century learning and technology continue to combine, the MRL has set up strategies for implementing best online teaching practices.

Best Practice:  Communicating course/assignment rules and procedures:


• Provide clear course policies and procedures at the beginning of the course/assignment.

• Provide clear information about the timeline for the course, including all assignments, assessments, and course activities.

• Provide clear information about methods of instructor-to-student communication and about all student course support resources.

• Ensure that all students have directions, resources, and a working understanding of how to navigate and successfully operate all student systems within the online learning environment prior to engagement with the course content.

Best Practice: Clearly presenting the goal/objective for each assignment


Provide or reinforce clearly stated course goals and learning objectives for each major concept within the course.

Best Practice: Providing students with all materials needed to complete an assignment


• Provide multiple learning resources with engaging and meaningful learning activities.

• Provide clear and complete instructions (how to proceed, assignment requirements, and assessment expectations) with rubrics for all activities. .

• Provide information about student course support resources.

Best Practice: Offering encouragement and positive feedback to students


• Begin interacting with students early in a course to affirm each student’s successful participation.

• Provide timely, supportive, individualized, and frequent feedback on student progress that emphasizes

the intended learning outcome.

• Analyze a student’s mastery level of standards content and provide additional instruction to help the student meet mastery level.

Best Practice: Allowing students to keep track of their learning progress


• Provide resources that allow students to self-monitor their academic progress throughout the course.

• Provide timely and meaningful feedback on assignments, assessments, and related course learning activities, allowing students to be continuously aware of their progress in the course.

Best Practice: Accessibility to students via electronic communication as well as face-to-face


Facilitate meaningful and timely communications (electronically and face to face).

Best Practice: Monitoring student work


• Closely monitor individual student data to guide instruction and provide intervention activities for unsuccessful learners.

• Identify and monitor course assessments that correlate to state high-stakes tests to assure mastery of those key concepts and provide additional learning experiences when needed.

Best Practice: Knowing every student by name and being able to recognize them outside of the online environment


• Communicate with each student prior to, or early in, a course to answer any questions and to build a

supportive instructor-to-student relationship.

• Provide a supportive and engaging learning community environment for all students.

Best Practice: Allowing students to progress through assignments at their own pace


• Ensure that the curriculum is at the correct level for students and has appropriate rigor.

• Provide multiple learning pathways based on student ability to achieve content mastery.

• Provide ample assessment styles throughout the course to monitor student mastery of content and provide remedial instruction when needed.

Best Practice: Providing help to understand and practice new knowledge


• Provide synchronous learning activities in large and small learning groups to support key concepts within the course content.

• Provide multiple opportunities for students to be actively engaged in content that includes meaningful and authentic learning experiences, such as collaborative learning groups, student-led review sessions, instructional games, analysis, discussions, case studies, etc.

• Provide a wide range of activities, assignments, assessments, and resources to allow students to demonstrate mastery of content.

• Provide high-level thinking and critical reasoning activities in increasing complexity throughout a course.

Best Practice: Allowing students to ask questions during online course/assignment


• Foster teacher-student and student-to-student interaction.

• Ensure students have accessibility through various communication methods.

Best Practice: Treating all students equally


• Provide multiple learning resources with engaging and meaningful learning activities to all students.

Best Practice: Adding external resources to assignments aligned to local objectives


•Adapt the course content to meet students’ needs by providing additional assignments, resources, and activities for remediation or enrichment during the course experience.

• Assure that course content, assignments, and assessments are of appropriate rigor and align to state standards.

• Augment, as needed, course content, learning activities, and assessments to meet all required standards within a course.

Math Resources for K-12+

Math Resources

California Mathematics Testing

CST Blueprints

California Math Standards

Common Core Standards

Math Communities

National Council for Teachers of Mathematics
California Math Council

Student References

Brainpop – Glencoe presents Brainpop movies and quizzes.
Cool Math – Cool math games, puzzles, and lessons.
Hooda Math – Games, tutorials, worksheets and movies to assist students with mathematic.
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives – A digital library of K–12 activities and virtual manipulatives.
Math On Call – Monday through Thursday, 4 – 5:25PM live tutors, bank of popular math video explanations from the FCOE.
Discovery Education – Videos and tutorials to explain basics of mathematics numbers and operations.

Teacher References

Math Dude Podcasts – Math – from pre-K to Algebra, this site covers counting to linear functions and is great for teachers as well as parents who want to support their child’s math education with extra practice or enrichment.

The Math Dude Quick and Dirty Tips to Make Math Easier by Jason Marshall
College Preparatory Mathematics – A non-profit corporation dedicated to teaching more students more mathematics by providing improved secondary curricula and teacher support.
Geogebra – A free geometry package providing for both graphical and algebra input.
Kuta Software – Free worksheet and test generator for Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry. – Free math drill worksheets.
Math Fact Café – Online flashcards, worksheet builder, games.
Algebra 1 Online Course – Algebra website based on skills and concepts, interactive.
The MacTutor History of Mathematics – History of mathematics, mathematician biographies and famous quotes.
Nutshellmath Plus – Connect to your textbook with pre-recorded notes and online help form algebra to geometry.
eGFI for Teachers – A variety of tools to boost students’ math and science skills, enliven the classroom with engineering projects, expand your professional horizons and stay informed.

IXL – A fun way for students to practice skills K-Geometry –

Math Is Fun – Great games, activities, worksheets, dictionary and other resources for student math practice such as multiplication tables, worksheets

Placement Test Practice for Pre-Calculus and Calculus


The Bridge Virtual Academy is moving toward Common Core Standards, rolling out new courses, sporting a new look, and adding many features over the next several months!  We also have new partnerships with NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) and NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) and have course approval from iNACOL!

NWEA partnership means that our courses have included computer adaptive assessments created by NWEA.  As students are assessed, the computer adapts to the need for more practice or moving forward in order to best meet student needs.

Partnering with NCAA means that taking our online courses can still receive college sports scholarships!

Some of our new features include tablet ability for students as well as the teachers.  E-notes are more advanced with spell check, ability to add symbols for math, sciences and different languages as well as the ability to add tables.  The new improved Glossary provides lesson vocabulary that can be spoken in any of the 17 provided languages and is more easily available on the lesson notes page.  Transcripts are available with each video lesson so a student can read along to what the teacher is saying.  Our courses now include Wet Labs as well as virtual labs and field trips so science comes to life!  We now offer Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Sciences.

New courses for middle school Career Exploration, Mathematics, ELA and World History are now available to all 6th – 8th graders.  High school courses include a new Physics class as well as a great set of Career Pathways where students can earn a certificate in Technology, Engineering, Digital Arts, Business and Health Science by passing classes and a test.

Our online high school courses are approved through a process and measured against standards of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL), a nonprofit organization of a diverse cross-section of pioneers at the forefront of the K-12 education, including teachers, charter schools, school districts, state education agencies, nonprofit organizations, colleges, universities, research institutions, and content and technology providers.  Online courses intending to receive “a-g” approval must be assessed against the iNACOL Standards for Quality Online Courses before submission to Universities of California.  The course will with be certified by California Learning Resource Network (CLRN) or the institution will conduct a self-assessment of the online course.  Students that want to insure that there classes are approved need to see if the school and/or the course providers are UC-approved if that is the direction their educational path is taking them.  The principal from the student’s home high school may certify a non-UC-approved online courses from an outside institution to satisfy the “a-g” requirements.  The UCs expect that the such certification follows a careful review of the curriculum.

The Bridge Virtual Academy is UC approved.  The Bridge Virtual Academy utilizes the teachers and the course curriculum from Education 2o2o (aka Edgenuity), which is included on this list for UC-approved providers and schools.

Look into The Bridge Virtual Academy as your online school option.


Class Name/Description:

Summer School Is Just Around The Corner

Need to catch up or get ahead in school?  Check out online learning for your summer school option.  Sign up today! 





Click here to go to The Bridge Virtual Academy!

The Bridge Virtual Academy provides education for grades 6th – 12th+:





The Bridge Virtual Academy provides education for grades 6th – 12th+:

  • University-Approved A-G Curriculum –
  • iNACOL Approved –
  • Partners with NCAA –
  • Partners with NWEA –
  • Interactive Online Program to keep students engaged
  • Opportunities for Virtual Classroom Settings for Socialization
  • Access to a Real-time One-to-One Teachers/Mentors/Coaches
  • Learning Inventories to understand individual learning model
  • Certified Teachers to counsel and keep students on track
  • Flexible hours and days to meet needs of various situations
  • Parent Portal to view student progress
  • Open start and end times
  • 24/7/365 for work access