All posts by Sandy Carl

About Sandy Carl

I am a life-long learner! I love to teach! I was honored with 28 years in the classroom as well as independent study experience. I worked Kindergarten through College courses. Mentoring and working with teachers was a wonderful part of my educational experience. Today, I manage a consulting business - Passion In Education. I'm excited to still have access to educators. We welcome you to our virtual world!

Give Parents a Clear Window for Common Core

September 26, 2013

Creating Greater Classroom Transparency Around the Common Core

Rod Powell

Mystical, dark, malevolent, ominous, pornographic. Glancing at my Twitter streams (#commoncore, #nced, #ncpol), I’ve seen each of these words applied to the new Common Core State Standards. But I’ve been teaching for 26 years, and guess what? I’ve embraced these standards in my classroom practice. What’s the big deal?

A simple question for me, I guess.  I understand and work in the classroom of today. The value of these standards is crystal clear to me: They are simply things that a thinking student should be able to do.

Those lacking a ground-level view of the classroom seem to be the ones leveling complaints. Let me briefly run through them.

The common standrards are a overreaching imposition of federal authority into the classroom.(Nope. They are a set of complex skills that are used to supplement and inform local curriculum. And they were adopted by states.)

Controversial topics and texts are mandated. No texts are mandated. They are sometimes suggested as examples, but teachers are free to use whatever texts and topics they see fit.

Student privacy will be undermined. I’ll be honest, I don’t know a lot about this one. But I’m not sure those who raise it do, either.

The standards themselves are weak. They are as rigorous as a teacher needs them to be to challenge his or her students.

Again, all of this is easy enough for me to see. I work with the standards every day in the classroom with real, live, energetic 9th graders.

But why are common so misunderstood by parents and other stakeholders? They all have the best interests of students at heart. Is it that they’re too busy to delve into our complex classroom world? Too intimidated by our educational bureaucracy? So concerned about testing that they miss what is being taught?

As teachers, we need to be able to communicate the true value of the common standards: They speak to skills that students should have, things they should be able to do, as thoughtful individuals operating in an increasingly complex world.

An idea comes to mind:

Let’s increase the transparency of our classrooms. Give parents a clear window into what goes on in our common core world every day, our vision of a 21st-century classroom. The tools to help do this are there:  Remind 101, Twitter, Facebook, class blogs (student and teacher), Google Docs.  Why not a quick text sent to parents using Remind 101 giving a brief parent friendly description of a common-core-related activity that students took part in that day? How about a quick tweet to Twitter-hip parents with an essential question addressed with children? Couldn’t students rotate blogging about class activities on the teacher’s webpage?

And I like this question that we might pose to hostile parents (and there are a few): How would you teach your child if you were their teacher?

Would you go with the traditional “good-enough-for-me, good-enough-for-them” approach? In other words, would you use decades-old worksheets; push your child to memorize lists of dates, people, and formulas; test all this learning via multiple-choice tests; and throw in some jump-through-the-hoop projects that don’t actually teach anything?


Would you energize your child by presenting authentic scenarios to explore; finding and creating personalized and relevant learning materials and texts; developing activities that would challenge them as writers and oral communicators; all the while measuring their progress with thorough assessments?

Seems to me that would be a pretty good starting point for explaining the common core.

Rod Powell, a National Board-certified teacher (social studies), has been teaching for 26 years. ACTQ Collaboratory member, Rod loves the challenges of teaching in a 1:1 digital classroom environment at Mooresville High School in Mooresville, N.C.


Posted by Rod Powell at 7:44 AM | Permalink | 8 Comments | 1 Recommendation

Help Parents to Understand Common Core Standards

September 25, 2013

Parent-Teacher Collaboration Key for Common Core

Alison Wright

Fortunately, it has been my experience as a classroom teacher that parents in my community trust that teachers—as well as district and state administrators—are making the best decisions possible when it comes to student learning. Personally, I have not once been questioned about the math standards or curriculum that I am teaching. That being said, since Kentucky adopted the Common Core standards three years ago, I know that there have been more questions than ever regarding the new standards and what changes are in store in terms of assessments and curriculum.

When I asked a parent at my school what her thoughts are about the new standards, this is what she had to say:

“As a parent, I welcome any and all new information about what my children should know at school, and be able to do.  I feel that in order for them to compete in tomorrow’s job market, I owe it to them to stay informed, and help in any way I’m able—and that includes knowing the expectations. From what I know of the common core thus far, I feel these standards provide more meaningful problem-solving skills, and that is a change I welcome.”

Her statement solidifies to me the importance of parent-teacher collaboration when it comes to improving student learning, and implementing the common standards well will require a team effort.

Here’s what teachers can (and should) do to communicate standards with parents:

1) Post the standards, or at the very least make sure that they are readily accessible to students and parents. Students should know everyday what they are learning, and what we expect of them.  In this Teaching Channel video, Katie Novak explains the power of communicating with students about the common standards. In addition, she asks her students to grade her on the how well she teaches the standards every week. If the students are well-versed on the standards, then the parents will be also.

2) Use available resources (and there are many!). Just last week, Kentucky Education Commissioner Terry Holliday sent an email to all state teachers that contained a great resource for communicating the common standards to parents. Other resources like these from the New York State Department of Education are also useful when beginning conversations, or responding to questions or concerns.

3)  Collaborate with education groups that specialize in parent communication—such as your local Parent Teacher Association. In Kentucky, the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence works to engage parents and to empower them as education leaders. They offer a variety of trainings through the  Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership to help parents become better-informed education partners. As one past attendee noted, “We know that when parents are well informed, the effects on school success are magnified.”

4)  Speak out!  As Commissioner Holliday is quoted as saying in this Time magazine article, “Teachers are your best voice in the community.” Sometimes we forget this. Teachers are second only to firefighters as the most trusted profession in the country, and it is crucial that teachers use this platform to communicate with stakeholders. Tweet about those awesome “aha!” that happen everyday in your classroom, or email a newsletter home to parents, highlighting the standards that students are learning- and what they are achieving.

What else can teachers do to help parents understand the new standards and become classroom partners?

Ali Wright teaches Algebra 2 and AP Calculus at Lafayette High School in Lexington, Ky. A National Board-certified teacher with 11 years of experience, she is also a member of the Center for Teaching Quality‘s Implementing Common Core Standards team. 

Posted by Alison Wright at 9:20 AM | Permalink | 6 Comments | 1 Recommendation

September 30th Education News!

Answers to Your Top Six Shutdown Questions

The federal government is less than 12 hours away from a shutdown because Congress has been unable to pass a bill to fund federal programs as the new fiscal year begins. This week’s Capitol Connection cuts through the politics and brinkmanship to outline what a shutdown would mean for the nation’s students, educators, and schools.

1. What’s the bottom line for schools and districts? How would a government shutdown affect daily operations?

Most schools and districts are unlikely to feel immediate effects of a shutdown because the advanced funding nature of federal education spending means that states and districts have already received much of their federal funding for the school year. In addition, the vast majority of school funding (about 90 percent) comes from state and local sources. Moreover, the U.S. Department of Education has awarded dozens of competitive grants in the past several days so that it is not held up by a shutdown.

2. Will any education programs be affected in the short-term?

Head Start (which provides early childhood education to low-income families) and Impact Aid (which helps fund school districts that cannot fully rely on local tax revenue, such as those on military bases or tribal lands) depend heavily on federal dollars that are not necessarily distributed at the beginning of the school year. Thus, these programs could experience more acute and immediate shutdown consequences. This is especially concerning because Head Start and Impact Aid have already deeply felt the effects of sequestration. More than 50,000 children have lost access to Head Start and many Impact Aid districts have been forced to eliminate positions and programming because of sequestration.

3. But I’ve heard about furloughs at the U.S. Department of Education. What effect could those have on local schools and districts?

Ninety percent of the department’s more than 4,000 employees will be furloughed during a government shutdown, leaving just a skeleton crew to address schools’ and districts’ questions and concerns. Grant processing will lapse, and questions will probably go unresolved for the duration of the shutdown. In addition, contract approvals will likely be delayed. See the department’s shutdown plan, which outlines its strategies for minimizing the effect of a shutdown.

4. How will the shutdown affect the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorization?

With few congressional staff at work during the shutdown, no progress on ESEA reauthorization will be made. Moreover, all discussions and negotiations among members of Congress will focus on fiscal issues instead of education. Meanwhile, the minimal staff at the Department of Education will delay decisions on pending ESEA waivers.

5. How will the shutdown end?

The shutdown will end once Congress passes a bill funding the government and the president signs it. The bill could extend funding for as long as a year or it could provide funding for a much shorter amount of time. If Congress passes a short-term solution, it will create a similar situation to the one we are currently in and will require passage of additional deadline-driven solutions to keep the government running.

6. What does it mean for schools when the government reopens?

Department of Education staff will face a backlog of work once the shutdown ends, so schools should expect delays in responses to their questions or requests for information. Any short-term spending bill approved by Congress is likely to fund education programs at current FY13 levels, which already reflect a 5 percent cut because of sequestration. Schools and districts should prepare for another round of across-the-board sequestration cuts, which are slated to take effect in January if Congress doesn’t intervene. A mid-October congressional showdown over the federal debt ceiling only adds to the uncertainty.

Capitol Connection will continue to follow all the action and provide you with the most relevant information.

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Common Core Institutes throughout the US!

Common Core Institutes
How to Implement Common Core
State Standards in Your School
ASCD, the leader in Common Core State Standards implementation, presents over 20 one-day and two-day institutes to help you align learning, teaching, and leading to the new standards.Two-Day Common Core Institutes

Common Core and the Understanding by Design®Framework: Planning Units with the End in Mind

  • Little Rock, Ark., November 18–19, 2013
  • Atlanta, Ga., December 9–10, 2013
  • New Orleans, La., January 14–15, 2014
  • Honolulu, Hawaii, February 3–4, 2014

Lead the Change to Common Core State Standards: Get Essential Tools for School and District Leaders

  • Little Rock, Ark., November 20–21, 2013
  • Denver, Colo., December 2–3, 2013
  • Long Beach, Calif., December 2–3, 2013
  • Los Angeles, Calif., December 4–5, 2013
  • Atlanta, Ga., December 11–12, 2013
  • New Orleans, La., January 16–17, 2014
  • Nashville, Tenn., January 27–28, 2014
  • Las Vegas, Nev., February 3–4, 2014
  • Honolulu, Hawaii, February 5–6, 2014

One-Day Common Core Institutes

Using Formative Assessment to Meet the Demands of the Common Core

  • Denver, Colo., December 4, 2013
  • Nashville, Tenn., January 28, 2014

Implementing the Common Core State Standards: English Language Arts and Literacy Focus

  • Los Angeles, Calif., December 5, 2013
  • Atlanta, Ga., December 9, 2013
  • Honolulu, Hawaii, February 3, 2014
  • Las Vegas, Nev., February 5, 2014

Implementing the Common Core State Standards: Mathematics Focus

  • Los Angeles, Calif., December 6, 2013
  • Atlanta, Ga., December 11, 2013
  • Honolulu, Hawaii, February 5, 2014
  • Las Vegas, Nev., February 6, 2014

REGISTER for an ASCD Common Core Institute in a city near you, and explore what matters to you most!

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YEA! Young Entrepreneurs Academy via Visalia Chamber of Commerce

  YEA Header
We have just finalized our student roster for the 2013-2014 YEA! class.  Beginning September 17th local high school students will begin their journey to start and run their own REAL business.
Throughout this program students will brainstorm, create a business plan, pitch their ideas to an Investor Panel (think shark tank), participate in a trade show, listen to guest speakers, go on field trips to local businesses, register their company with the County Clerk, and work closely with mentors to make their dream a reality.
*  Graphic Designers
*  Web Developers
*  Business Plan Reviewers
* Mentors
* Individuals Willing to Listen to Elevator Pitches 
If you are intersted in volunteering to help the YEA! class please contact
 Nicola Wissler, YEA! Program Manager:
559-734-5876 or
We want to thank the businesses and individuals who have already stepped up and volunteered to participate in the YEA! program this year. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Lastly we would like to thank the local Chamber Members who are helping to sponsor the YEA! program. If you would like become a sponsor please call
the Chamber 559-734-5876
Become a sponsor CLICK HERE

What is the Relationship Between ADHD and Executive Function?

What’s the Relationship Between ADHD and Executive Function?

By Sheldon H. Horowitz, EdD

ADHD and Executive Function | Link Between Attention and the BrainAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most frequently occurring brain-based disorders. It most often manifests itself in childhood and continues to pose challenges throughout adolescence and into adulthood. Its symptoms most often include difficulty getting and staying focused, modulating attention, controlling impulsivity and self-managing behavior. While these symptoms are directly related to the ways the brain works (think brain cells and neurotransmitters), there are specific sets of mental (thinking) skills that are coordinated with the way the brain works. These are commonly called “executive functions,” and they involve things like organizing and planning, shifting attention, regulating emotions, self-monitoring and holding information in mind for easy recall. Executive functions are essential in virtually every aspect of our lives.

ADHD and Executive Function in ActionThink about people you know who have ADHD. They’re the ones who have trouble listening to or following instructions, who begin tasks and then are easily sidetracked, or who struggle to wait their turn. They sometimes blurt things out when they know better, touch things when asked not to, or don’t delay reacting to something long enough to recall that they’ve been in similar situations before and are about to make a silly statement and embarrass themselves or others. What’s going on inside their brains when these things happen? Answer: a breakdown in executive functioning.

Executive function deficits are not only seen individuals with ADHD. People who have learning disabilities, communication disorders or mental health disorders (such as those characterized by anxiety or depression) are also prone to struggle with executive functioning challenges. This is also the case with people who have sustained brain injuries or have medical conditions (such as epilepsy) that result in compromised brain functioning.

To be sure there’s no confusion about how executive functions work, it’s important to keep in mind that these are skills and behaviors that everyone uses all the time! Let’s consider one component of executive functioning called “working memory.” Consider what happens when you need to hold information in your mind while simultaneously doing something else. If you manage to keep the first piece of information from slipping away, working memory is doing its job. Trying to remember an address while scanning a map, a new person’s name immediately after being told their phone number, the number of calories or amount of fiber in a serving of one type of cereal after reading two or three different boxes—these are everyday examples of how working memory (and therefore, executive functioning) works.

Additional Resources




sheldon-horowitz-headshotDr. Horowitz is the director of LD Resources at the National Center for Learning Disabilities. For more than 40 years, he has been helping children with learning and attention issues and their families in school, hospital and private clinical settings. He’s now a featured expert on the LD.orgwebsite.

California State Adopts Next Generation Science Standard


REL#13-82 CONTACT: Tina Jung
September 4, 2013 EMAIL


State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Announces State Adopts Next Generation Science Standards


SACRAMENTO—New science standards designed to prepare students to thrive in a changing economy were approved today by the State Board of Education, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced.

“The adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards in California mark a crucial step in making sure our students are prepared to succeed after they leave our classrooms,” Torlakson said. “Scientific information and technology have changed remarkably since the last time California updated its science standards, and how and what we teach have to change with them.”

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) will bring science instruction up to date. NGSS emphasizes a deeper focus on understanding the cross-cutting concepts within and across scientific disciplines. These new standards integrate engineering practices with science practices to help students understand the workings of science and the natural world. They also provide a coherent progression of learning from kindergarten through grade 12, so students learn step by step the knowledge and skills they need for college and careers.

“The Next Generation Science Standards represent a huge leap forward for California’s students and our schools,” said Mike Kirst, president of the State Board of Education. “Scientific innovation remains at the core of the California economy, and schools play a huge role in equipping the workforce of tomorrow.”

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) related industries are major components of California’s economy. A 2011 U.S. Department of Commerce study, “STEM: Good Jobs Now and For the Future,” found that over the past 10 years, growth in jobs involving STEM fields was three times greater than that of non-STEM occupations. The report also forecast that STEM jobs are expected to continue to grow at a faster rate than others in the coming decade.

California was among the lead states that developed the standards, in a voluntary process conducted in an open and collaborative way over the last 18 months. California teachers, scientists, college professors, business and industry leaders, and educational experts all took part in an 80-member California NGSS review team that thoroughly examined the standards five times.

Next, a Strategic Leadership Team will be appointed by Torlakson to develop a plan to implement the NGSS. This includes a timeline for implementation, adopting a science framework, developing student assessments, and strategies for school districts. Once the team completes its work, their strategic action plan will be presented to the State Board of Education for approval at a future meeting.

In the meantime, California is preparing to host its first annual STEM Symposium, set for November 18-19, 2013, at the Sacramento Convention Center. This symposium will highlight how quality STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) programs align with Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards and provide strategies and resources for program implementation.

For more information, visit the California Department of Education’s Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Web page.

# # # #

The California Department of Education (CDE) is a state agency led by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson. For more information, please visit or by mobile device at You may also follow Superintendent Torlakson on Twitter at and Facebook at

The State Board of Education is the governing and policy-making body for public K-12 education in California. The President of the Board is Michael W. Kirst and the Executive Director is Susan K. Burr. Board members are appointed for four-year terms by the Governor of California and are confirmed by the State Senate. For more information, please visit

California Department of Education, Communications Division

1430 N Street, Suite 5602, Sacramento, CA 95814

Main: 916-319-0818; Fax: 916-319-0100

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Students Use Zombie Science to Learn About Disease

Exclusive: Zombie apocalypse? Students use ‘zombie science’ to learn about disease spread
  • zombie_istock.jpg

A zombie apocalypse: Is it medically possible? Scenarios depicting large-scale attacks of the undead have been playing out on the big screen for years.

And this fall, they’ll hit classrooms too.

Students around the country can now immerse themselves in “zombie pandemics” in order to learn about how diseases spread and affect the body. It’s all part of the new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Behind Hollywood Program, which teachers and students can download for free online to use at home or in the classroom.

The series was created by Texas Instruments (TI) and The Science & Entertainment Exchange, a program of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), and seeks to inspire student’s interest in math and science careers.  The STEM program will include installments on everything from forensics to zombies and superheroes.

“STEM jobs are now the fastest growing opportunities for young people,” Melendy Lovett, president of Texas Instruments Education Technology told “So it’s really important to (us) to be part of building a strong pipeline of STEM capable students, and that’s what drives our focus, getting more students interested and excited about STEM and achieving at high levels in science and math.”

While zombies are not a real life concern, the elements explored in the program closely echo real life scenarios of disease spread, thanks to the expert advice of Dr. Steven Schlozman, a professor at Harvard Medical School and author of the book The Zombie Autopsies.

“If you…get rid of (the) rising from the dead, (zombies) will map more comfortably than most folks would like onto real neurobiological explanations and phenomenon,” Schlozman told “Then you can play that tongue-in-cheek morbid game of how would that happen.”

So how exactly would a zombie apocalypse begin? First, mankind would need to be hit by a virus capable of simultaneously attacking multiple regions of the brain, Schlozman said.

Students will learn that zombies – with their awkward, unbalanced gaits, lack of problem-solving skills, insatiable hunger and high levels of aggression – would likely have contracted a virus attacking the cerebellum, basal ganglia, amygdala, hypothalamus and frontal lobe regions of the brain.

Through this hypothetical scenario, students will learn various facts about the brain – for example, that the hypothalamus is the region of the brain affecting satiety and that zombie-like aggression could be triggered by a virus attacking the amygdala, which controls our fight-or-flight mechanism, according to Schlozman.

Figuring out how a zombie disease would attack the body isn’t all that students will be tasked with doing. They’ll also join the “Zombie Virus Inoculation Task Force” to figure out how they could control and contain the outbreak – just as if they were employees of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“The graphs of a zombie outbreak would look like those of H1N1 or any other disease making its way from outbreak to pandemic,” Schlozman said. “In this country, the CDC, or internationally, the World Health Organization (WHO), would sit down the epidemiologists, scientists, public health experts and physicians and say, ‘What are the distinguishing characteristics of this disease? What’s happening? What else does this look like?’”

Students are required to calculate the rate of disease spread and assess how to control the disease – such as by creating a vaccine. As part of this activity, teachers are encouraged to educate students about real diseases that have been controlled through inoculations.

“It’s easier (for students) to contemplate a zombie disease spread than (the spread) of some horrific (disease) like Ebola,” Schlozman said. “So one of the reasons they’ve used zombies is it’s less scary than the real thing, and now we have this curriculum where we learn about disease spread, spread through biting, airborne (toxins), imagining what if the city is this big, or that big.  Then we combine that with the biology.”

In the case of a zombie outbreak, Schlozman says the CDC would come up with appropriate triage measures and decontamination procedures. Then, scientists around the world would quickly begin developing a vaccine to treat the rapidly spreading virus.

“These are lessons we learned with SARS, H1N1 and security measures we’ve learned through the threat of bioterrorism,” Schlozman noted.

By the end of the program, Schlozman and Lovett hope that students will emerge with a better understanding of how math and science can help contain the spread of diseases – and that some students will start to contemplate careers in which they could join the real-life fight to contain contagious diseases.


“In this, it’s like they were working in the CDC, exploring, problem solving like a…scientist in the real world,” Lovett said.


The program will be available to students and teachers online starting today at The program is primarily aimed towards middle school and high school students.

Read more:

If Common Core Works…

5 ways Common Core could impact higher ed

Aug. 22, 2013


If new Common Core standards are successful, high schools will turn out graduates ready to succeed in college or in a career. That’s because the Common Core initiative aims to give students across the country a shared foundation in basic skills. The unified standards in math and English are meant to provide clear expectations and to take the place of a hodge-podge of state-by-state standards.

Forty-five states plus the District of Columbia have adopted the Common Core and will fully implement it by the 2014-15 school year. If the standards succeed — and it could take years for the results to shake out — how might these new standards affect higher education?

Here are five possibilities:

1. Less need for remedial courses at colleges and universities

Right now, colleges find themselves offering remedial education to as many asone-third of their students. Common Core takes direct aim at that figure. If the new standards succeed, students would arrive better prepared and fewer students would need remedial English and math classes at the college level.

2. Higher student retention rates from students more prepared for the rigors of college-level classes

Just over half of students at four-year colleges complete degrees within six years. At two-year colleges, only 29% of students finish within three years. Why? Cost is certainly one reason, but another is the inability to handle college-level coursework. With a successful Common Core program, students would be more prepared and more likely to finish their degrees.

3. Colleges could set higher bars for admission (though other factors may work against this)

A student body more prepared for high-level academic work could mean that some colleges and universities raise the bar for admission, although other factors — such as an improving economy where people are more likely to enter the workforce than college — may work against this trend.

4. More dual-enrollment programs between high schools and colleges could crop up

With some signs pointing to early degree programs on the rise across the U.S., more such programs could emerge as standards for high school students grow more closely aligned with college-level work. Also, if students meet the goals set by Common Core standards in 11th grade, they may drive up demand for dual-enrollment programs that offer them a head-start on college. (The National Center for Postsecondary Education addresses this possibility on Page 35 of its report.)

5. Teacher colleges would need to prepare teachers for new standards

Looking at the puzzle from the other end of the process means focusing not just on students entering college, but on college students preparing to teach the next generation of college students. Data from the National Council on Teacher Quality suggest most programs are not up to the task of training teachers in Common Core subjects. Education majors would need to have the background to successfully teach students in order to make the most of the new standards.


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Smarter Balance online assessments are going to function for students with special needs.

Here are a few links and explanations:

Practice Tests and information on browser compatibilities

Practice Test Enhancements (Starting August 15, 2013)

  • Special forms for math (Spanish glossary, Braille, and text-to-speech for grades 4, 5, 6, and 8)
  • Special forms for English language arts (Braille and text-to-speech for grades 3, 5, 6, and 8)
  • Math performance tasks, including performance tasks for special forms (Spanish glossary, Braille, and text-to-speech)
  • Additional items to the ELA forms
  • New scoring guides (and updated guides) available at
  • Practice Test for use with Internet Explorer (IE) 10; support from IE 9 is expected at a later date


Help Desk Now Available for Smarter Balanced Practice Tests






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