All posts by Sandy Carl

About Sandy Carl

I am a life-long learner! I love to teach! I was honored with 28 years in the classroom as well as independent study experience. I worked Kindergarten through College courses. Mentoring and working with teachers was a wonderful part of my educational experience. Today, I manage a consulting business - Passion In Education. I'm excited to still have access to educators. We welcome you to our virtual world!


I love to listen to a teacher’s passion for teaching others.  Passion burns hot until others extinguish the flames.  Currently, I’m hearing ,”If we only had this or didn’t have to do that, we could reach the students.”  I love to hear students excited about what they are learning in schools.  From them, I currently hear, “This common core stuff is too much and no one knows what they are doing.”

I’m here to encourage you.  BE BOLD!  CREATE!   TEACH WHAT WORKS!  DEVELOP YOUR OWN LEARNING COMMUNITIES!  Follow the standards as we need common standards.  Educations needs to have the basis for what should be taught to most children at specific readiness point, but let’s move forth with what we know.  Children are sponges until they aren’t.  Teachers are excited until they are not.  We need to catch both while the fire is hot!  There is no time to waste.

Common Core carries a very poor connotation for something I believe we all really want to see happen.  Common curriculum across the United States in order that everyone have an equal opportunity for learning.  How did it get so blown out of whack in the eyes of teachers, parents and students?  If your child was moving from California to Florida as a third grade student, wouldn’t you want your child to be “on the same page” when they move to the new school?  I think yes!  Now what is good for the mass doesn’t mean that is all that should be available.  We still need to build in a support system for those with learning disabilities or a gap in their learning. We also need to provide fun, engaging opportunities for those that are ahead of the game.  I believe in flexible grouping based on a students previous knowledge and the learning goal, not necessarily based on age.

The other aspect of Common Core is to create connection between the learning and real-life problem solving.   Simply relate what you are teaching to how it will be seen in life.  Another aspect of Common Core is to teach to all the modalities by using hands-on approach to reach auditory, visual and kinesthetic modes.  Remember that no one has stated what or how teaching needs to be done at this point except the your own districts.

So, how do we get the fun and learning back into the classroom but stay on track?  Use your freedom at this time period to find the joy of the teaching/learning process for your students.  As your break approaches, look into ideas that will rekindle your flames and light the students back up!  Consider something like Whole Brain Learning, AIMS, College Prep Math, STEM or STEAM, Pinterest…

Following are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

Three basic techniques in whole brain teaching

The class yes, the teach OK and the scoreboard

In an article which I wrote for I introduced a wonderful system of teaching called “Whole Brain Teaching” (WBT) in which I outlined the fundamental techniques it uses. For those of you who have not read the article, WBT is a pedagogical approach which is based on current research into brain activity and how we learn. Not specific but very applicable to EFL , WBT uses techniques which activate both hemispheres of the brain – thus it is a “Whole Brain” approach.Traditionally education has focused on right brain activity – the reasoning, rational part of the brain. WBT techniques seek to make connections between this rational part of the brain and the left side of the brain which is concerned with creative activity . It is being proven more and more that an approach which integrates these two different activities of the brain leads to far more effective teaching. We will today look at three of the most basic techniques involved in WBT: “THE CLASS-YES”, “THE TEACH-OK”, and “THE SCOREBOARD”. These are three amazingly simple techniques you can quickly learn and immediately use to greatly improve your effectiveness as a teacher.What makes them especially useful in ESL classes is it gets the students talking in English , which is often problematic, especially here in Thailand. It is not necessary to implement all of the WBT techniques at once. You can choose to use just a few techniques,. I have however found the more techniques you use the better you and your students’ performance will be. It is important to note that of course when introducing a new technique to class that they understand what is expected of them. In addition you have to practice the procedures with them and get them to the point where they can do what you tell them on command. It doesn’t take too long. . Depending on your level of Thai you may at times need somebody to explain to the class in Thai what it is they are required to do. The directions are basically like rules to a game. WBT is very big on rules and has easy ways to get students to comply with them.TECHNIQUE ONE: THE “CLASS-YES” – “PLUG” YOUR BRAIN INTO THE BRAINS OF YOUR STUDENTS.The prefrontal cortex is nicknamed the “CEO” by scientists who do research into the human brain . It controls decision making, planning and is also responsible for the focusing of attention. The “CLASS-YES’ works like this: The teacher makes a decision to get the class’s attention. To do this the teacher is activating his/her prefrontal cortex by using the decision making function of that part of the brain. The teacher then says “CLASS” and the students respond by saying “YES” in unison. The students must say “YES” in the same tone of voice and in the same way that the teacher says “CLASS” – this is crucial.So if the teacher says “CLASS CLASS’ in a high whiny tone the students respond “YES YES” in a high whiny tone. The students, by mimicking the tone of the teachers voice, have now activated their own prefrontal cortexes by using its focusing mechanism. In a very literal sense the teacher’s brain is now “plugged into” the students’ brain. The “CEO” of teacher’s brain, exercising its decision making capacity, now has the attention of and is ready to instruct the “CEO” of the students’ brains, which are utilizing its focusing mechanism.

It is fundamentally the same type of relationship that would exist, at that moment, between the CEO of Pepsico and the CEO of KFC. (Pepsi owns KFC and I assume KFC takes direction form the parent company). The technique can be understood as a brain switch which readies the students for instruction. In Whole Brain teaching classrooms it is used whenever the teacher needs the class’s attention, which is of course quite often. This technique, like almost all WBT techniques,can be used from kindergarten to university and with adult classes. With children in addition to being a “brain preper” for instruction it an indispensable tool for classroom management. 


Some of us may have come to Thailand just a bit unclear on the differences between the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses, or between First and Third Conditional. I know I did. I also know that I could now tell you about fundamental English grammar in my sleep and I am sure, at least hope, that everyone reading this who has taught English for a few years can as well.

How did you learn this grammar so thoroughly? . You did it by teaching. This is the main idea behind the next crucial technique of WBT- the “TEACH-OK”. Research has shown, not surprisingly really, that students learn best when actively engaged in the teaching process. When students , using energetic gesturing, reteach to their partner what the teacher has just taught them they are activating five parts of the brain important to learning : the visual cortex (seeing gestures), motor cortex (making gestures), Broca’s area (verbalizing), Wernickes area (hearing) and the limbic system (giving emotional content). I will number the steps of the “”TEACH OK” to hopefully make it easier to understand and use.

STEP ONE – Divide your classes into pairs. You will want to group weaker students with stronger ones. I think two is the ideal number but if you have an odd number of students you will have to have at least one group of three. In this case put the best student in the class with the two who need the most help and ask the best student to take special care of the group. I have found that at first you may need several groups of three students if stronger students are hard to come by. However as time passes and you continue to implement WBT, you will see a more uniform level in your students ability. This is due to the fact you will be getting almost 100 per cent participation and the students lagging behind will begin to catch up with the others. 

STEP TWO – Micro teach with gestures. This means giving one small bit of information that the students will reteach to each other. It requires the teacher to be animated and use gestures as he or she teaches. As an example, if we were teaching the Present Perfect, the teacher would begin the process by introducing a very small bit of information such as “We form the present perfect with have or has.” After the students have learned this small bit of information you build on this idea. The following TEACH-OK segment would be ” We form the present perfect with have or has and verb three.”

We continue building so on and so forth until all the rules of present perfect have been taught or at least all the rules that we wish to cover . If this were a very advanced class the final installment of our look at the present perfect would finally build to up to the studetns teaching each other in pairs something like” The present perfect is formed with have or has plus verb three. It is used for both unfinished actions from a specific time in the past which are continuing into the present and with finished actions that have a relevance to present circumstances. Although it is used exclusively with already, just and yet in British English, these words can be be used correctly with both the Present Perfect and the Simple Past in American English.” I have used an extreme example here of a final “TEACH OK” mini lesson on the Present Perfect to make my point that we build to whatever level the dictates of the course demand, as opposed to giving a lot of information at once. 

STEP THREE – To recap steps one and two-we have divided the class into pairs and presented a small bit of information . Now it is time for the teacher to say TEACH! and his/her hands clap hands and have the students respond in the same tone of voice with the same number of claps with an OK! They then work with their partner taking turns reteaching what was just presented. the students are expected to use gestures as they teach each other. 

STEP FOUR – The teacher monitors the groups as the students teach each other. 

STEP FIVE – The teacher brings the “TEACH-OK” to a close with a “CLASS-YES”

STEP SIX – The teacher then continues with another bit of information building on the previous bit of information, or if it is time, change activities. 

Two other valuable tools which are often used during the presentation of a micro bit of information are the “HANDS AND EYES” and “MIRRORING.” These are related but separate techniques that will be elaborated on at a later date that augment the effectiveness of the presentation of information. If you just cant wait for the next blog visit for an immediate explanation. 

I have not found a lot of information about EFL and WBT, although it is certainly being used for teaching foreign languages. In my past training I found an emphasis on getting students to use the language creatively. I have certainly done this in the context of WBT. Since I work with phratom students now the steps to creativity are very small but they are creative nonetheless.

For example during the presentation of information I may want the kids to practice using the question word “where.” I may drill the class as a whole by asking students a question like “Where is the dog?” trying to get them to think of places a dog might be. Often times kids will come up with something really silly like “The dog is on the sun.” I love this kind of response. It shows they have used the language creatively. In fact a kid told me when asked once “The dog is on the sun.” I quickly joked back with the question “Is he a hot dog?” and pretty much everybody got the joke.

That really shows that language acquisition was taking place with a group of phratom two students. Think about the implications of that- Phratom two students involved in the creation of and appreaciating a double entendre. Thats the power of Whole Brain Teaching at work. After the good laugh about the” hot dog on the sun” the kids were coming up with wacky places the dog was. During their ” TEACH OK”segment of “Where is the dog?” they seemed to be trying to outdo their partner with the craziest place a dog could be. This is proof of being able to use the language creatively which means real learning is taking place. 


The scoreboard is a central feature of the Whole Brain Teacher’ s classroom. It is an integral part of class management when working with younger students and is critical in keeping older students focused. It basically operates on good ole positive and negative reinforcement. It is simple to understand and use.

STEP ONE – On one side of the whiteboard draw a “Smiley face” next to a “Happy face.”

STEP TWO – Draw a line between the two faces creating a column under each face.

STEP THREE – When students are paying attention, and paricipating with gestures and you are happy with the way things are going put a check in the Smiley face column and have them cheer your approval by saying an enthusiastic “OH YEA” in unison (known as ‘the “MIGHTY OH YEA”). 

STEP FOUR – When student performance/behavior is not up to par put a check under the the Frowny face and have the students moan a a collective “OH NO” while wiping away an imaginary tear.

STEP FIVE – At the end of class add up the checks under the respective faces. More checks in the Happy face column means the class has earned some kind of reward (I usually use less homework as a reward) More checks under the frown face means a negative reinforcement (for me more homework).

IMPORTANT NOTE! Do not have a total of more than three checks in in the Frowny face column in excess of the number in the Smiley face otherwise the “SCOREBOARD” loses effectiveness. Students become resentful and lose interest in the “game.”

The “SCOREBOARD” works on the limbic system which is the part of the brain that controls emotional response. It is a powerful tool to keep order and keep things focused. In follow up blogs I will discuss “THE FIVE CLASSROOM RULES” which for the most part are used for class management issues with kids. The rules obviously relate closely to the “SCOREBOARD”. Remember though the “SCOREBOARD” is also used with older students to keep focus.

If I were teaching up university anywhere in the world I would have no qualms about using the “SCOREBOARD” as a fun way to give the class feedback about how well they were performing . That being said I would feel a little foolish walking into a corporate training class anywhere but sanook loving Thailand and drawing a Smiley face and Happy face on a whiteboard in front of a group of business executives and telling them to give me a “MIGHTY OH NO”.

I have taught all kinds of classes here in Thailand as well as a lot of corporate classes . Although I have not had the opportunity to use WBT in a corporate situation, my guess is all Thai students would play along with “THE SCOREBOARD.” Having been witness to a teacher leading a group of bank managers in a game of “Simon Says” I gotta figure you are on safe ground with “THE SCOREBOARD” in any class in Siam. (Simon says touch your butt hahahahah….true story).

These are the three most important techniques in WBT. Just these three simple things can greatly enhance your students learning as well as making your job a helluva lot easier and more enjoyable. There is a lot more to WBT but this can get you started.

Finally I want to underscore that these techniques are flexible and can be used in harmony with your own style and class goals/level. That is unless sadly you have an “I don;’t really give a damn” attitude. I think it is more easily adapted to animated lively styles of teaching but I personally think there is room for those of a more phlegmatic nature, however gestures must be used.

You look at professional athletes, say in a sport like golf or tennis, you will see that the pros are all pretty much adhering to the same set of fundamentals to swinging a club or racket. In spite of this commonality each player has his own unique swing. In the same way each teacher will have his own style in which he can adapt a given pedagogical approach to be the most effective teacher he or she can be.

It is my stalwart conviction that Whole Brain Teaching (or in our case here in Thailand “Ajarning”…lol..) is by far the most effective approach to accomplish this goal. Give WBT a try, you’ll love it and so will your students. Again to find out more about WBT visit the powerteachers website 

Happy teaching!

Here is where a creative teacher brought the popular game of Mine Craft into his math lessons.

6 Minecraft lesson ideas for your Common Core math class

From graphing paper to algebra puzzles, one teacher shares tons of practical lesson ideas for turning math class into “Mathcraft”

minecraft-mathLast year I taught third-grade math in a whole new way. Combining elements from the wildly popular sandbox game Minecraft, I had students thinking visually and creatively about mathematical models and theories that went way beyond a typical third-grade curriculum, transforming math class into what I like to call Mathcraft.

Why Minecraft? I could say I am using Minecraft for a number of reasons, like how I find Minecraft enhances metacognition by increasing students’ memory storage capacity. The game itself creates a relatable enjoyable experience that can be internalized and shared in a community of learners. The limitations on the working memory are minimized because the gameplay itself is an extension of our visual sketchpad. Working with students they always say, “I can see it,” and when they see it they share it.

However, the real reason I use Minecraft is that the students chose it. The popularity of the game is so overwhelming and when the lesson became the engagement their attention, confidence, and motivation soared. Here are six great ways to use it in your math classroom.

1. Let students create their world.
If you have an aggressive Minecraft class, you can put them in a single world and either let them all build it by themselves, or allow all the students to build a world together. Personally, I just open up a world in MinecraftEDU (which makes it easier for the teacher since you can do things like freeze the students and transport). I don’t use worlds that have already been created, opting instead to let the kids build their own. I use MinecraftEDU as my server runner and open up the superflat world. We start building and we end up with a crazy math city.

2. Create your own visual, conceptual math world.
I’ve tried to use base ten blocks before because they’ve got a lot of great conceptional knowledge, but they’re just a nightmare to use—to get them to fit in and take out, and with the kids always messing up each other’s blocks. But with Minecraft, the blocks are digital so the kids can’t mess each other up, if you know how to manage them, and the bonus is that the students are incredibly engaged. Then you can throw in the fun part. You can let them PvP (fight) and chase each other in their world. The structures they’ve just made make a lot of fun things to hide behind, like funky-looking trees based on prime factorization or stacks of blocks in patterns that represent long division. It’s kind of a conceptual math world.

3. You can use Minecraft, even without access to computers.
We were only able to play Minecraft in the computer lab twice a week but that was perfect because I just ran math class using Minecraft as the lesson on those days. On other days, we’d be doing similar things. The kids would have graphing paper and would make their models with colored pencils and crayons and we would play math. I was really trying to teach them how to read and write algebra and to look at math as a different language.

4. Minecraft is just one creative tool in the toolbox.
In my third-grade class, we did a lot of tracking and graphing slopes, and I turned it into a maker activity as well. We learned how to read rise over run, and how to build a slope in Minecraft. Then we chopped up a bunch of different cardboard boxes and made racecar ramps at different slopes around the classroom, and ran averages on how far the racecar would travel with each slope—and this was a third-grade classroom.

5. Let the dog drive—at least sometimes.
One way to get started is just to try a whole class lesson and to see how the kids respond to it. And be prepared to let the dog drive at times—meaning when the class is playing the game, let them take control and just play. Give them their time but take yours as well. If you need a jumping-off point to get started, look for Minecraft lessons online, or see mine on the website Educade. The Parthenon lesson I created is one example. It turns algebra into a puzzle and it gives students simple instructions on how to build something cool. (There’s also a video that explains why the formulas actually work).

6. Use Minecraft to help change your classroom culture into something students love.
By far the greatest effect Minecraft has had on my students was a change in the classroom culture and attitudes about education. When we were preparing for our benchmark test I gave them ten Common Core word problems for homework. When I put them on our Edmodo page, they got mad at me. Mathcraft—at least the way I use it in the classroom—is not all in a video game. There is a lot of reading and writing of algebra and word problems. Before, they used to complain and give up when they had to do similar problems out of textbook. But now my kids turned even that part of the curriculum into a game and can not put down the pencil.

Jim Pike formerly taught third grade at Ascension Catholic School in Los Angeles. He currently teaches a Mathcraft course at CodeRev Kids Learning Center in Santa Monica, CA, and is working on bringing Mathcraft professional development to teachers using online Minecraft servers.


Frozen-inspired coding is a very creative idea to hook students into their learning:

‘Let it Code’ with Frozen-inspired coding

Hour of Code initiative aims to help students, especially girls, get coding with real-world examples

code-codingOn Nov. 19, unveiled a computer science tutorial featuring heroines Anna and Elsa from The Walt Disney Company’s film “Frozen.” The tutorial kicks off the second annual Hour of Code campaign, a worldwide effort to broaden participation in computer science – especially by girls – during Computer Science Education Week, Dec. 8-14, 2014.

Thanks to Disney Interactive, students will learn to write code that enables Disney Infinity versions of Disney’s “Frozen” characters Anna and Elsa to draw snowflakes and snowmen and perform magical “ice craft” in’s signature lesson for the Hour of Code 2014. The tutorial aims to teach logic and math and nurtures creative thinking through introductory computer programming.

Role-model technologists and celebrities, including Polyvore CEO Jess Lee, Microsoft engineer Paola Mejia, app developer and model Lyndsey Scott, and model Karlie Kloss, provide short video lectures to guide students through the one-hour activity. Students will be able to share their artwork online or with friends through a unique link.

“As a parent, I know firsthand how excited kids are over Disney’s ‘Frozen,’” said Hadi Partovi, co-founder of “Our entire team is grateful for Disney Interactive’s tireless support of the Hour of Code, which provides students an entry point into the world of creativity that opens up when they build technology for the first time.”

“Disney Interactive shares’s passion to unleash the creative potential within all of us and we’re proud that the Disney characters will help children grow and learn important skills,” said Jimmy Pitaro, president of Disney Interactive. “Computer science and coding literacy are vital to our children’s future and we applaud for making computer science education more widely available.”

Along with this collaboration, Disney is donating $100,000 to support’s efforts to bring computer science education to afterschool programs nationwide. Disney Interactive will host Hour of Code events for local students at their Los Angeles, Palo Alto, Seattle, and Kelowna, British Columbia offices.

The tutorial, “Artist with Anna & Elsa,” is’s newest addition to its online learning platform, Code Studio, designed to teach students the basics of computer science, starting as early as kindergarten. Code Studio is used in more than 50,000 classrooms.

Last year, launched the Hour of Code with a tutorial featuring artwork from Rovio’s Angry Birds, PopCap Games’ Plants vs. Zombies and video lectures by Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. To date, 22 million students have tried the one-hour, introductory tutorial.

Students and teachers can try “Artist with Anna & Elsa” now at Code Studio:


Here’s another blogger sharing how Whole Brain Learning works for her:


Here are ideas on pinterest of Whole Brain Learning:


Happy planning!  Happy teaching!  Happy learning!






CSUs transforming secondary math teachers

California State University Systemwide Effort to Improve the Preparation of Secondary Mathematics Teachers



Mathematics educators at 22 campuses of the California State University (CSU) system are embarking on a major initiative designed “to transform the preparation of secondary mathematics teachers to ensure they can promote mathematical excellence in their future students, leading to college and career readiness as described in the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and other documents” ( 


The new statewide effort is affiliated with the national Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership (MTE-Partnership), an initiative of the Science and Mathematics Teacher Imperative (SMTI) of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). The initiative is significantly informed by the Mathematical Education of Teachers II document ( and utilizes a Networked Improvement Community (NIC) design, incorporating improvement science and networked design precepts. The July 4 issue of COMET described the goals of the effort and the initial meeting on June 23 at the CSU Chancellor’s Office in Long Beach (—4-july-2014). 


On October 10-11, faculty members from every CSU campus with a teacher preparation program and school district personnel convened at the CSU Chancellor’s Office in Long Beach to delve into the details of the MET-Partnership (referred to as “CSU MTEP”) and determine what role each of the campus teams wished to play in the faculty-led community though participation in one of five Research Action Clusters (RACs).


Lead presenters included MTE-Partnership Co-Directors W. Gary Martin (Auburn University) and Howard Gobstein (APLU), as well as the national chairs of the RACs, Paul LeMahieu of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, CSU faculty leads Brian Lawler and David Pagni, and CSU MTEP facilitator Joan Bissell, Director for Teacher Preparation and Public School Programs at the CSU Chancellor’s Office. (Photographs from each day may be accessed in the following Dropbox folder:


For more information about this initiative, please visit the CSU MTEP website at




Related Information: 


CSU K-12 STEM Partnerships Advancing the CCSS and NGSS


In addition to CSU MTEP, the California State University (CSU) Chancellor’s Office (CO) has taken a leadership or significant supportive role in several new initiatives designed to help transform the preparation of mathematics and science teachers across the state. Short overviews of two of these follow below:


Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California 


“Preparing a New Generation of Educators for California,” funded by the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, is aimed at preparing world-class educators who are equipped to teach and implement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) with excellence. For more on this initiative, visit


Federal Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) Grants of $53.7 Million to CSU Campuses for STEM Teacher Preparation


Seven CSU campuses (or a campus’s district partner) recently received large grants for STEM teacher preparation. Receiving funding from the U.S. Department of Education to support major teacher preparation initiatives were CSU Bakersfield, Chico, Dominguez Hills, Fresno, Los Angeles, Monterey Bay, and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. To learn more about this program, visit


California Online Mathematics Education Times (COMET)

Vol. 15, No. 7 – 28 October 2014


Editor: Carol Fry Bohlin –

COMET Archives (2000-2014):

California Mathematics Project


California Online Mathematics Education Times (COMET) is an electronic news bulletin providing STEM-related news from California and across the nation, as well as information about professional events and opportunities, current educational issues, and online resources.

Khan- How to get into College

College admissions and financial aid can be confusing. I grew up with a single mother who made less in a year than many colleges were charging for tuition. If I didn’t have an older sister who had navigated the process herself, I don’t think I would have had the same higher education and career opportunities, and Khan Academy might not exist.

This is why Khan Academy has created resources to help students and parents navigate this challenging process. These resources include video interviews and conversations with successful students from all walks of life and admissions officers and counselors at some of the nation’s top schools.

Learn more about College Admissions

Online resources can never be as good as a great mentor. However, we hope that we can help students get a solid start and to provide teachers, parents and counselors with a useful tool to help the students in their lives.

Check out College Admissions resources!

If you’re a student considering college or know someone who would like these resources, I hope you’ll take a look at and share our new College Admissions resources.


Controversy on Tenure


Capitol Connection

Conversation and Controversy on Tenure

The national teacher tenure debate has been reignited with this week’s TIME magazine cover featuring the title “Rotten Apples—It is nearly impossible to fire a bad teacher.” The cover is stimulating significant pushback from educators and fueling ongoing and related conversations about teacher evaluations and the controversy over using student test scores in educator assessments. Read the article here.

The article comes on the heels of the contentious Vergara v. California (2014) verdict, which deemed teacher tenure laws unconstitutional in California. It provides additional background information on the players and actions that led to the Vergara case, the degree to which the case has become a factor in California’s state elections, and the ripple effects it’s creating in other states (like New York) facing the prospect of similar suits.

While some observers have commented on the balanced nature of the magazine’s main article, educators and policymakers alike have lambasted the cover art. A national petition against the cover has received over 50,000 signatures, and TIME has since invited critics to respond. See prominent responses, including one from California Rep. George Miller (D-CA).

The ongoing debate highlights the need for any conversation about teacher effectiveness to acknowledge that educators must be evaluated fairly, using multiple measures, and provided with high-quality professional development that helps them improve their practice. It also calls for educators to be respected as professionals and actively included in the national discussion about strengthening the profession. See ASCD’s 2014 Legislative Agenda (PDF) for recommendations on multimetric accountability (PDF) and educator effectiveness (PDF).

Review-Pretest-Retest in Math

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Successful Developmental Math: “Review-Pretest-Retest” Model Helps Students Move Forward

from the New England Journal of Higher Education

by Richard Bisk, Mary Fowler and Eileen B. Perez
April 23, 2013


Much has been written about the failure of “developmental education” in mathematics. Failure has not been our experience at Worcester State University. In response to concerns about both the placement rate into developmental math courses and the failure rate in those courses, we made substantial changes in our placement program and in our course delivery. We have decreased by 50% the number of students placed into developmental math courses. The success rate in these courses has increased from around 30% to around 80%.

Our program is based on several key principles:

  • Students can be successful in mathematics with the correct entry point. Mathematics is a cumulative subject. Because students who take courses they are not prepared for are seldom successful, we rigorously maintain the prerequisite standards for our classes. However, we do not want to place students in developmental classes when all they need is a brief review. We work to ensure that students take placement seriously and are prepared to do as well as possible when they take the placement tests.
  • We provide clear, consistent standards for all students. It doesn’t help students by pretending they have competencies that they don’t. In particular, different sections of developmental math must use equivalent grading techniques. All students must pass the same final exam to pass the class.
  • We provide a nurturing and supportive environment for students who have often had negative experiences in mathematics. Students need to know that their instructors are there to help them when they struggle. However, the most supportive thing we do is placing students appropriately.
  • We encourage all students to enroll in required math classes as soon as possible. Math proficiency atrophies over time. This means we have to offer sufficient seats for first-year students in both developmental and introductory credit-bearing classes. We work with our advising center to place students in these courses.

Reducing need for remediation

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Higher Education mandates that all incoming students in the state’s public higher education system attain a “passing” score on the College Board’s Elementary Algebra Accuplacer exam or pass an appropriate developmental math class before enrolling in a college credit-bearing math courses. In fall 2004, 54% of our first-year students received a “failing” score.

For the class entering in fall 2005, we required students to take a mock Accuplacer exam before they could register for orientation, where the actual exam was given. This mock exam was taken at home on the student’s own computer. It was not proctored. We saw this as a consciousness-raising activity—a way to give students a sense of what to expect as well as to let them know about the importance of the exam. With this change, our “failure” rate dropped from 54% to 36%.

The following year, we made additional changes. Before a student could register for orientation, he had to achieve a “passing” score on the mock Accuplacer exam. If he didn’t get a “passing score” after two opportunities, he had to come to campus for a two-hour math review session. With this additional change, the “failure” rate dropped to 24%. Since then it has been consistently around 25%

The placement process

The initial Department of Higher Education mandate for developmental math in 1998 set a single passing score of 82 on Elementary Algebra Accuplacer for determining whether a student was ready for college-level math classes. In 2001, the department added a second cut score of 72 for courses that used minimal amounts of algebra, such as a math for liberal arts courses.

At Worcester State’s Mathematics Department, we decided we needed more detail to appropriately place students. Many students needed developmental work in arithmetic as well as algebra. And while a score of 82 on the Elementary Algebra Accuplacer might indicate readiness for a college algebra class, it told us nothing about whether a student was prepared for calculus. We want each student to begin mathematics coursework at the best entry point. As a result, all first-year students begin by taking two Accuplacer exams: Arithmetic and Elementary Algebra.

  • If they need developmental math work, we use a combination of the two scores to determine whether they need to take an arithmetic course before taking a developmental algebra course.
  • If they score 82 or higher on the elementary algebra Accuplacer, they then take the college-level math Accuplacer. This score is used to determine the possible starting points for the student’s college-level math classes.

Logistically, each student is assigned a placement code of 1 through 7 based upon their scores on the two or three Accuplacer exams. Mathematicians call this a function of three variables where the range is: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}. For example, a code of 1 means a student begins with our developmental arithmetic class. A code of 7 means a student may begin with calculus. During the registration process, placement codes are examined as part of the process of checking prerequisites. A student who wishes to take calculus needs either a code of 7 or successful completion of precalculus with a grade of at least C-. (Our experience has been that a student with a D seldom passes the subsequent course.)

The Developmental Math Program: philosophy

The WSU Developmental Math Program is designed to meet the academic needs of students who scored below 82 out of 120 on the Elementary Algebra Accuplacer exam. Many of these students have negative emotions and thought patterns around mathematics that needed to shift before they would be able to learn the subject matter. Some are so used to failing math that they don’t believe that they have the ability to succeed. They would rather walk away than face the challenge, despite the fact that this would severely limit their ability to earn a bachelor’s degree. For students who had already incurred significant student loans, failure to complete their degree would leave them with increased debt and decreased income potential. This heightens the anxiety associated with learning math.

Our program strives to create a classroom environment where students believe they can succeed and know they will have the support of the instructor. In each new class, the instructor’s initial goal is to build a relationship of mutual trust and respect. When these students enter the developmental math class, many things are different from how they were in their previous math classes. Since they are in a class with students at similar skill levels, most are no longer at the bottom of their class. Furthermore, the students are older and more mature than the last time they took a math class. With a positive environment, they are more likely to persevere and succeed. We find that as student anxiety begins to subside, they relax and start learning. All these benefits are only possible because the students are placed in a class that is being taught at their current proficiency level.

Underlying the program development, we have had a commitment to maintaining consistency of standards for all students and all course sections. Lowering standards for some students is not supportive and nurturing, but propagates student beliefs that they cannot succeed at mathematics. These beliefs reinforce societal perceptions of mathematical reasoning and skills as optional and only obtainable by a select few. Sadly, many higher education administrators and policymakers encourage these negative viewpoints

Implementation and design

Our current program was developed over the past 10 years and evolved through a series of iterations from a computer-based algebra review to one where students are placed according to their arithmetic and algebra skills into one of two developmental math courses that address topics required for success in WSU’s college-level math courses.

The developmental courses meet three hours per week, carry three institutional credits and are taught in a more traditional face-to-face format. (Institutional credit counts toward maintaining full-time status so students are eligible to receive financial aid and live in the residence halls, but not toward graduation.) We have used feedback from assessment data as we sought effective ways to teach and support our students. As we have developed these classes, the success rates of our courses have increased from 31% in 2003 to about 80%.

To maintain consistent standards across students and sections, we use the Arithmetic or Elementary Algebra Accuplacer as the final exam for each class. Students must pass this final exam to pass the course. Since the instructors no longer decide whether a student passes, they become more like coaches, working with the student to increase skills and achieve a common goal. Instructors meet with individual student, assign extra problem sets and arrange for tutoring. While success is ultimately the student’s responsibility, we want to provide as much support as we can.

We believe our students need structure and a series of smaller goals before the final exam. Therefore, we require that all students have a 70% average in the course in order to qualify to take the final exam, the Accuplacer. This requirement is made clear on the syllabus and the instructors discuss this throughout the semester. In the last three weeks of the semester, students with averages below 70% are invited to work with tutors to address topics on which they are struggling. They are given an additional quiz that provides the opportunity to raise their average and qualify for the final. Of course, our real goal is to get them to review the material so they pass the final. It’s a learning activity. The underlying principal is that we want to promote success without lowering standards and expectations.

If students qualify to take the final exam, but do not pass it, we discuss a re-test opportunity with them. The instructor offers these students a set of review problems and gives them a limited amount of time to complete it. This is another learning activity. Once the students complete the review material, they are given a pretest to determine if they have improved their skills. Students who perform favorable on the pretest may retake the final exam. This “review–pretest–retest” process helps most of the students pass and move forward with their mathematics program.

Changing minds

Most of our students who score into the developmental math program are in majors that require only one college-level math course. Many students enter the developmental math program intending to complete their developmental math and a single college level math class; but after experiencing success, they reevaluate their options. This was the situation for Jeremy Hart, a 30-year-old military veteran who entered the developmental arithmetic class as a history major. He had many doubts about his ability to succeed at mathematics and had chosen a major with a minimal math requirement. He planned on finishing his mathematics requirement as quickly as possible by taking our most basic college-level course, called “Survey of Math.” When the arithmetic class began with fractions, Hart found the class a safe place to openly express his confusion and frustration. He became so comfortable with his ability to learn mathematics that he changed his major from history to business administration. He successfully completed many courses that required mathematical and quantitative reasoning including statistics, college algebra, mathematical economics, microeconomics and three accounting classes. He is currently employed in a managerial job that brings together the skills he developed at Worcester State and in the military. He manages a multimillion-dollar budget and performs cost and statistical analyses as he contributes to his organization’s success.

Our program works, but we are constantly looking for ways to minimize the need for remediation. We work with Massachusetts high schools through the state GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) so students can take our placement tests while still in high school. And we are currently studying how students who successfully complete our developmental courses perform in the first college-level math class.

Developmental math education does not have to be a failure, as long as we are all willing to meet the challenge.

Richard Bisk is a professor of mathematics at Worcester State University and was math department chair from 2004-2012Mary Fowler is an associate professor and current chair of the math department at Worcester State. Eileen B. Perez is Developmental Math Program coordinator and lead instructor at Worcester State.


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Improving Math Success in Higher Education Institutions

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California High School Proficiency Exam

Are you looking for school options outside of brick and mortar high schools?

Do you want to find and pursue new opportunities?

Ready to continue your education at a community college, university, or technical school?

Want to get into the work force?

The CHSPE (California High School Proficiency Exam) could open up a variety of options for you.

Educate yourself about the CHSPE and provide registration information and instructions for taking the test in your area.

Important Notice: As of April 1, 2014, the California Department of Education (CDE) has decided to postpone the scheduled change in test series for the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE). This test series change is dependent on the approval of a one-year contract for the 2014-15 school year. All portions of the CHSPE that were passed since 2004 remain valid and will count toward earning a Certificate of Proficiency. The CHSPE test series will not change until after the March 21, 2015 test administration. At that time, examinees who have not yet earned a Certificate of Proficiency by May 1, 2015 may need to begin the testing process again in the new test series. Sections and subtests previously passed in the current test series may cease to be valid.


Registration for the October 18, 2014 administration of the CHSPE is now open. The regular registration deadline for the October administration is September 19, 2014. Registration materials including printed Registration Form, proof of eligibility, and appropriate payment, must be received in the CHSPE Office by 5 p.m. on that date to avoid late registration fees.

FRI – SEP 19   Fall 2014 Regular Registration Ends 5 p.m. Accommodations Deadline
FRI – OCT 03Fall 2014 Late Registration Ends 5 p.m. Non-emergency sites close
TUE – OCT 14Fall 2014 All Registration Closed

Introducing a new feature: Google Translate
The CHSPE Web site is currently published in English. For those who speak other languages, we’ve made it easy to use Google’s translation service to translate our information into other languages. To translate the entire CHSPE Web Site, just choose a language from the dropdown menu at the bottom left of the English pages. We hope easy access to this free service is helpful. Because Google Translate is an automated service, content may contain mistranslations of difficult or obscure words and phrases. The Sacramento County Office of Education and the California Department of Education take no responsibility for any mistranslations due to use of the third-party Google Translate function.

Helping Boys in Education!

Lessons In Manhood: A Boys’ School Turns Work Into Wonders

Listen to the Story  All Things Considered

At East Bay School for Boys, sometimes the sparks of inspiration result in, well, actual sparks.

This summer, All Things Considered has been taking a look at the changing lives of men in America. And that means talking about how the country educates boys.

In Berkeley, Calif., a private, non-profit middle school called the East Bay School for Boys is trying to reimagine what it means to build confident young men. In some ways, the school’s different approach starts with directing, not stifling, boys’ frenetic energy.

“I think boy energy has been misunderstood,” says Lisa Hayle, a language arts teacher at the East Bay School. “Instead of squelching their enthusiasm for things, at our school we channel it and work with it.”

The East Bay School is not a traditional boys school, aimed at reinforcing typical ideas of what it means to “be a man.” The school’s director, Jason Baeten, says that the goal is instead to create an educational space where boys can make mistakes, be vulnerable and learn to be self-reliant.

Baeten says, “We all came together and decided what we wanted our graduates to look like, what qualities we wanted them to have. So, things like: respects women, flexible, resilient — all of these.”

One of the ways that the school is trying to upend tradition is by re-inventing shop class for the 21st century. In fact, they don’t even call it “shop.” At the East Bay School for Boys, it goes by a different name: “work.”

David Clifford, the school’s director of innovation, explains why: “We moved away from the language of shop because it has a history behind it, where for decades now, shop has been considered second or third tier in education, where first tier is academics.”

Shop classes have dropped off the curriculum at high schools nationwide. In Los Angeles, for instance, around 90 percent of traditional shop classes have been eliminated.

Now, something called “career and technical education” still exists. In fact, this week President Obama signed a law encouraging the expansion of such programs. But the most popular classes nationwide are health science, information technology and business — not vocational, blue-collar training like carpentry or auto shop.

At East Bay, “work” is one of the six main classes all boys take, right alongside math and language arts. Boys build their own cubbies, desks and benches. One student, Jaden Yu, is building a massive metal hammer as part of a larger project in which boys imagine themselves as superheroes.

Yu says that his superhero mission is to fight poverty, and the hammer is his weapon. “What this is for is destroying old buildings so that new ones can be rebuilt. Old buildings that aren’t being used, so that new ones can be built for homeless people, people who need it.”

And they tie this work into a larger curriculum, too. In one instance, boys built replica Civil War officers’ chairs which were paired with biographies of the officers who sat in them.

Clifford says teaching these kinds of hard skills is vital, for boys and girls. Not only do they graduate knowing how to use a table saw and welder, but Baeten says the work fosters creativity and resilience.

Those tools are sometimes dismissed as “soft skills” by educators pushing a greater emphasis on hard academics. But Baeten says those kinds of skills, including empathy, are central to the school’s mission. “The real important part about being a man is taking accountability for your actions, living your life really fully in a really present way and loving people fully.”

As a private school in the Bay Area, though, East Bay is not cheap. Families pay more than $21,000 a year to send their sons here. But they’ve also made an effort to make sure their vision of masculinity isn’t just for the privileged. More than half of students here get some type of tuition assistance. More than 70 percent come here from public schools. And nearly half of the boys here identify as non-white or mixed race.

The East Bay School’s program is new, having only opened classes in the fall of 2010. The school’s holistic view of boyhood — spanning academic to social development — is still evolving.

The big question is: Can aspects of East Bay’s more holistic approach to educating boys work elsewhere, especially in America’s public middle schools? The statistics can be sobering for a boy in public school. Boys drop out of school and get suspended at much higher rates than their female counterparts. Federal statistics show that among those who are suspended multiple times and expelled, 75 percent are boys.

In one of the waiting rooms of the Chicago Civic Opera House, Urban Prep graduates dance and let off some steam before the school's commencement ceremony begins.

August Calendar – Interesting!

Calendar August 2014
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat

1  2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

August will have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays.  This happens only once every 823 years.  The Chinese call it ‘Silver pockets full.

The Russian Educational System

A Visit to a Russian School


Amongst the many views of extravagant buildings,  crisp landscapes, lovely waterways, systems of locks and dams, clean cities, twenty-hour days and gorgeous sunsets, we were allowed to spend a few moments at the sweetest little school in a quiet quaint town in Russia.  In a simple building, a day of summer school was adjourning.  I was so excited to meet the Russian children.  I couldn’t wait to find out how this meek little school ticked.  The group of 30 tourists were lead into a classroom where a lovely Russian teenage girl read her practiced speech in English.  The room was small but fit all of us in the seats quite nicely and we listened intently.   Many questions followed about the daily regime of the children as well as their parents.  Everyone was interested in education as we are all a part of it.


After we left the classroom, we were shown to the even more minute multipurpose room to watch a skit and learn about the arts that children of this school learn.  The art teacher spoke in Russian so an interpreter was needed.  Children are learning to make items from their rich history to continue traditions.  The school is located in Kirillov where one of the oldest museums of Russia exists.  Visitors were allowed to purchase the art of students.  We purchased a green and white lace  piece created by a young boy in the school.


What did I learn about the Russian Educational System?   The system is set up by the state and is free to everyone.  Private schools have been established in the last few years.  Compulsory education begins at age 6 in kindergarten, then primary school for four years,  general education for five years and then secondary education for two to three years.  Russian general education is aimed at the moral, emotional, intellectual and physical development of the student.  Students are in school about 34 weeks with breaks similar to the American School System.  School is in session from September 1 to beginning of June.  The system aims to develop abilities that will help students make good life decisions.  There is a state test in June after general education is completed to determine whether the student will be admitted to secondary general education, vocational education or to non-university level higher education.  Students have access to iPads daily at all levels.

Students that make the best grades in secondary education get to continue into college for free and it continues to be free while their grades stay good!

Kirillov, City in Russia

The Kirillo-Belozersky Museum of History, Archi- tecture & Fine Arts (31735; Sobornaya pl 1; admission R50; 9am-5pm Tue-Sun), occupying a nonworking 14th-century monastery of the same name, is the reason to visit the small town of Kirillov, 130km northwest of Vologda. Legend has it that the monastery’s founder, Kirill, was living at Moscow’s Simonovsky monastery when he had a vision of the Virgin Mary showing him the towers of a new monastery. One of Kirillov’s many marvellous icons depicts this vision. Massive walls surround four main areas: the large Assumption Monastery, the small Ivanov Monastery, the Stockaded Town and the New Town. The regular admission ticket includes the churches and cathedrals and exhibits on regional history and the history of the monastery. In the tranquil village of Ferapontovo, 20km northeast of Kirillov, is another well-preserved monastery(49161; admission R60; 9.30am-5pm). The great Dionysius came here in 1502 to paint frescoes on the church’s interior (he did it in an amazing 34 days) and Ivan the Terrible is said to have frequented and enjoyed this church. The frescoes are a highpoint of Russian mural art and were the main reason Ferapontovo received World Heritage listing in 2000. Don’t come on wet or very humid days as the museum may be closed to protect the artworks.